Digital Domination: Elevate Your Online Presence
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The internet is changing everything about how we conduct business, connect with people, and even the way that we get our most basic needs met. Every commodity from housing to food to entertainment is found in the online marketplace and the world has decided that convenience is a top priority for where they spend their hard-earned money. If you are in the process of building your audience and trying to take your business to the next level, then you have to be excited about the opportunities available to market your business on the internet.
New Era Advertising is an internet marketing firm that can provide you with the complete set of services you need to dominate your local market through online methods. With us, you get incredible web development, SEO (search engine optimization) services, and insight on how to utilize tools from Google and Facebook. Our focus is on helping businesses here in Nashville, Tennessee use web development techniques to expand their customer base, increase sales, and retain customers for the long haul.
For great web development in Nashville, Tennessee you need more than just a sleek website design. There are incredible web design teams that focus solely on the way your website looks, but when they are rooted in best SEO practices, mobile-friendly designs, click-to-call, and analytics, they don’t have the ability to reach an audience. Do you really want to spend a bunch of money on a gorgeous site that no one sees? Instead, you can bring us in to boost your ranking for relevant search terms on Google, make your website incredibly user friendly, and actually create sales leads through your online presence. The entire world is using the internet now, so you can take advantage by getting the most advanced internet marketing available. If you would like to discuss the different ways we can give your business a boost, then contact us today to set up a free consultation.
The key to really taking over in your niche for the Nashville, TN area is complete web development from our expert team. This is more than just creating a great website, but rather about making sure that your website and your entire online presence work cohesively to create sales leads. Our method is tried and true, and we have taken businesses to the first page of Google for relevant search terms for their business, developed great ad campaigns on Facebook and Google, and created websites that funnel those new potential customers directly to you.
When creating your web design, we make sure that the first thing we do is make it visible to the people that are looking for your services. Search engine optimization is the process by which we make your business friendly to the most popular search engines. With our tried and true methods of creating designs and content that boost your ranking on Google and other search engines, we create new eyes for your website right away.
In addition to using your website development to increase the visibility of your site, we also make sure that your website is conducive to getting sales leads. For starters, we create web designs that are mobile-friendly, because so much of the market right now is determined by people searching for things on their smartphones. Additionally, we use analytics, click-to-call buttons, and contact forms to gather information and get you directly in touch with the people that need your business. When we combine these methods, you will see the number of sales leads for your business shoot through the roof. Calls are coming in, contact information is coming in for you to directly respond, and your business is now easier than ever to find online.
Call us right now and you can set up a free appointment to meet with us about the potential that our SEO web development strategy has for boosting your business. It is a risk free consultation that we are certain will give you the inspiration to take your business to the next level through top of the line internet marketing.
All of the search engines that people regularly use are using algorithms to determine which websites are most relevant to the search term that they are using. What our team does, is make sure that we have a complete understanding of how those algorithms work, and then we use your website and social media accounts to make sure that your business is the most relevant place for Google to send people for search terms that relate to your field. When people google to find the “best Mexican restaurant” there may actually be several around them that they don’t notice right away in the search results. With our strategy, we would make sure that restaurant is able to be seen right there on the first page of results, so that you do not miss out on any potential customers.
There are many things involved in utilizing SEO to boost your business, but if you give us a call we can set up a consultation to provide you with a complete view of our plan for you. Contact us today to learn more about utilizing best SEO practices for your business in Nashville, TN.
All of the search engines that people regularly use are using algorithms to determine which websites are most relevant to the search term that they are using. What our team does, is make sure that we have a complete understanding of how those algorithms work, and then we use your website and social media accounts to make sure that your business is the most relevant place for Google to send people for search terms that relate to your field. When people google to find the “best Mexican restaurant” there may actually be several around them that they don’t notice right away in the search results. With our strategy, we would make sure that restaurant is able to be seen right there on the first page of results, so that you do not miss out on any potential customers.
There are many things involved in utilizing SEO to boost your business, but if you give us a call we can set up a consultation to provide you with a complete view of our plan for you. Contact us today to learn more about utilizing best SEO practices for your business in Nashville, TN.
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That’s where we come in. Our team understands specifically what to do to guarantee that your business is a top result on Google Maps and a likely click for anyone searching for your type of business. We would love to share more with you about how we can get this done for your business in Nashville, TN through a risk free consultation today.
That’s where we come in. Our team understands specifically what to do to guarantee that your business is a top result on Google Maps and a likely click for anyone searching for your type of business. We would love to share more with you about how we can get this done for your business in Nashville, TN through a risk free consultation today.
In the results for your search terms on Google, you may notice there is a significant section of sites at the tops that are actually boosted by Google Ads. Google Ads is a necessary tool for the short term boost that it provides and the guaranteed eyes it gets on your website. However, when used properly this allows us to use the analytics and the increased traffic to convert sales and plan for our future online marketing efforts.
With New Era, you get a team that understands the ins and outs of internet marketing and web development and will utilize all available tools to make sure that you are successful in generating sales leads so that you can grow your business. Our team is ready to put together a personalized plan for your business when you call us today and set up a free consultation. We look forward to helping you generate sales through revolutionary online marketing.
SEO or Search Engine Optimization, had a deep decline in reputation over the years. All this thanks to a small group of people who engaged in dishonest tactics, abused the system, making it harder to achieve success, for folks like you and me.
I would say, SEO is similar to Facebook Ads. You can’t point your finger on the one thing, or process that makes things work, and does the magic. The internet keeps evolving, and search engines continuously change their algorithms, so it’s a constant debate between experts to determine what exactly makes a website SEO friendly, and how a website is able to boost its traffic and reach.
Some say SEO is not even necessary, some swear it’s the only way forward. In fact, you may even ask yourself the question: Does SEO really work?
Will SEO work for me?
The real question is: “Is there a way I can make SEO work for me?”
The short answer for both is definitely: YES. In this article I will also show you how SEO can help you, and why it’s important.
Don’t forget that we provide SEO services to businesses looking to boost their reach and traffic. Let’s start by defining why SEO is important. If you’d like to speak to an SEO expert, you can reach us at 615-616-7519.
There is an old saying on the internet: The best place to hide a dead body, is the second page of google search results. If you think about it for a second, literally nobody clicks through to the second or third page when they are looking for something.
The higher you rank in search results, the more likely someone is to click on your website. People have short attention spans, so when they are looking for a quick solution to their problem, they are attracted to the first few results they find.
SEO is the most effective way to reach this goal, and appear in the top results on a search page. This gives you the answer to the question I asked above.
As I mentioned above, SEO is not an exact science. The best tactics and methods that worked in 2017 may not work in 2020. Let’s say Google decides to change their algorithm in ways that it favors pages that have the dollar sign featured on their home page. In this case all the best practices, and tactics have to change to match that parameter.
Of course, Google’s preferences are not as vague as I mentioned in my example, but I hope you get the drift. Any widely accepted methods that worked a few years ago may not work now, and that leads to speculations that SEO doesn’t work at all. If you are using outdated practices and advice, your website might simply fall short from ranking higher.
SEO only works well when you use up to date practices. When you apply these metrics, Google will simply grant you with increased website rankings that leads to an increase in traffic and results in more clients and conversions.
Looking to team up with marketing experts to get your site ready for SEO? Simply contact us to get started!
In the early days of the internet, a successful website was nothing more than a bunch of keywords put together and presented in a 1000-word article. However, SEO today is more and more leaning towards natural language searches. This literally means, that people are more likely to search for questions, rather than a few keywords on their own.
This phenomenon is related to the fact that, people are using technology like voice commands on Siri to ask a specific question. They are including more detail in their searches as well, so they can find their desired solution faster, and get more accurate results.
These key phrases are more useful for a content creator from an SEO point of view. Because these longer, more specific keywords are not competitive, and more relevant, they are easier to rank for, and in consequence to that, they are more likely to convert on a higher rate too.
So, to put it in one sentence: The objective, in order to rank higher on Google, is not to rank for keywords that remain the same over time, but to focus on quality content for larger number of natural language searches, which are constantly growing and evolving rapidly.
So, what’s the answer then to:
How long does it take for SEO to work?
The answer is…it depends.
I know it hurts, but it’s the truth. Yes, it depends on so many things and I am going to break it down for you shortly and try to give you an exact(ish) estimate at the end.
Few things to note right from the beginning though. No two websites are the same, nor are they starting from the same place, even if they are competing in the same space for the same prospects, client. The effectiveness of your SEO depends on the shape of your page, the amount of content it has, the age of your site – how long has it been active, the amount of links, the quality of links, keywords and so on.
When you are starting off, your main focus should be on research and discovery. Audit your website, and test your keywords, key phrases. Imagine that you are building your house. You need a strong foundation, don’t you? Well, this is your foundation, so treat it well, and invest your time and effort into research. It will pay off in the long run trust me. Usually this takes a month or less.
Right after the foundation is built, and you have a strong feeling that it’s near perfect, then you should concentrate on content creation. This means all your blog posts, articles, company information, FAQ pages, etc. This part of the venture can take the longest, usually months. However, if you have the means to invest into your content creation, the time required can be significantly lowered, so you can focus on the next step.
Slowly but surely you will start ranking for the keywords and key phrases that you implemented, and results will show as an increase in traffic, and maybe you will see leads building up. If you successfully implemented your social media strategy, your link building will start, and nurture the authority of your website automatically.
Many experts will tell you that it should take around 4 – 6 months to start seeing the fruits of your labor. Think about this as a long-term investment of time and effort. The result you will see in 12 months will be significantly different (in a positive manner) of that you experienced at 6 months in.
So just keep at it and remember, SEO is a marketing tactic with the best return of investment in the marketing space.
The good old question that we get asked by our clients all the time. The short answer is YES. Google Ads or Facebook Ads will definitely have an impact on your business, and in most cases, they will boost your conversions and revenue as well. However, there are many factors to take into account when it comes to advertising in general.
Most businesses have little to no idea about optimizing ads, ad spend, targeting, ad copy, conversion and many more aspects of a successful campaign.
How do I start? Where do I start? What platform should I use? How much should I spend?
Questions everywhere but not many answers, right?
Let us break it down for you, so will get a better understanding on how ads can help your business grow and raise your profits.
1. Start by clarifying your goals
Are you interested to bring in more leads, and convert them in the back end? Will you sell in the front end with an offer, and collect leads in the aftercare phase?
These are important questions that you should be able to answer if you set your goals clearly.
Depending on the results you would like to achieve, the methods and platforms you could be using are different from on and other.
For example, Facebook is very useful for lead generation with a minimal budget, but Google Ads might be a better option, and could be more expensive if you are opting in for sales. Set your goals clearly and choose a platform accordingly.
2. Budget
Money makes money. Advertising is a long-term game that has a ripple effect, and must be executed perfectly, in order to aid your business effectively. With good optimizing, your ads could bring in better results, and save you money as well. It’s very important to know that the more you spend, doesn’t always mean that you will get better results. However, ad spend should be expected, and accounted for if you want to succeed. Because at the end of the day, you want to make a significant return on your investment, right? On a personal note, we are very proud to say that we managed to help numerous clients to optimize their budgets and bring in results without breaking the bank.
3. Ad copy, and targeting
Your copy and targeting can make or break your campaign. We had clients who came to us for help with their ads, and most of the time the issues we noticed were related to ad copy and targeting. Writing good, engaging copy is a very challenging task to do. Most businesses hire copywriters to do this for them, and this is what we would suggest to you too. Always rely on experts if you have doubts in your abilities.
Let’s say you have an amazing copy that resonates with your audience but now you need to specify who your perfect prospect is. What interests them? Where do they hang out? What do they like, how old are they and so on?
If your targeting is too broad you will burn money on your ads. If your targeting is laser sharp your campaign will reach more potential leads, buyers with considerably less money spent. Master targeting and ad copy and you will see amazing results. Actually, this is one of the most important metrics that we discuss with our clients in the first place.
In conclusion setting your goal, optimizing and understanding the targeting aspect and setting aside a budget for ads is crucial. Yes, ads will definitely help your business, but you need to do it right to avoid expensive mistakes.
Don’t gamble on your success! No business should have to take a chance on their marketing. Contact us for more info!
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DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures I stated above or stated on my Facebook page are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of years of experience and have learned what works for myself and others. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT OPT-IN to my workbooks OR book a strategy call.
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